166 Dong Van Cong St, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam (Next to The Vista VERDE Appartment)

The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with a soft bristle brush and a suitable toothpaste for the best tooth cleaning effect.

Start with 4 proper brushing steps below to clean your teeth against tooth decay and other dental diseases.

1. Clean your teeth before brushing

flossing before brushing teeth

In order for the tooth cleaning procedure to be most effective, first, you need to rinse your mouth with water for about 30 seconds. This is to moisten the cavity and preliminarily remove food debris in the mouth.

If more careful, you can floss to clean teeth before brushing. Regular brushing only removes bacteria and plaque at places where the brush touches. For smaller gaps, flossing will be a perfect way of cleaning.

The cleaning step before brushing does not take too much time but is very important and you should not skip it. A few more acts before brushing will help you clean your teeth more effectively.

2. Take toothpaste

take toothpaste

You should use soft, round-bristle brushes to prevent tooth erosion and gum damage. After wetting the toothbrush, take out a moderate amount of toothpaste for the best results.

For children under 6 years of age, you should only give them a small amount of cream as a grain of rice because sometimes they can swallow toothpaste. Older children and adults can start using a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.

You should replace your toothbrush periodically, up to every 6 months to ensure optimal oral health. An old toothbrush or a bristles one may not help you clean your teeth, it can even cause many harmful effects to the teeth such as bleeding gums, gingivitis, receding gums, etc.

3. Hold the toothbrush in the right direction

brush teeth in the right direction

Everyone is taught how to brush their teeth from an early age, but we do not realize that the movements of brushing your teeth may be accidentally damaging the gums, in the long run, can cause root erosion and gum disease. Therefore, The East Rose Dental will guide you a popular brushing technique that will not harm teeth called "Bass Brushing Technique":

  • This method is effective in removing plaque in the one-third area around the root and the gumline.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that are 0.2mm thick.
  • Open your mouth comfortably wide.
  • Hold the toothbrush sideways against your teeth, at a 45-degree angle with some of the bristles touching your gums.
  • Gently press the brush so the bristles are slightly in your gum line.
  • Keep pressing gently and move the brush back and forth, using short strokes.
  • Brush 3 teeth at a time. Then move onto a new a
  • Flick the bristles towards the chewing surfaces.

how to brush your teeth

In any case, remember not to brush the brush horizontally because it is easy to cause gum and gum injuries. Especially for children, you should practice brushing your baby properly early to form a good habit later.

Improper brushing techniques may cause injury due to:

  • Excessive force
  • Wrong brushing angle
  • Hard bristles
  • Wrong brushing direction (horizontally)
  • Gum damage (puncture) caused by brush bristles
  • Old, worn-out toothbrushes

4. Scrape the tongue and the inside of the cheek

scrape tongue and inside of cheek

Dental health will not be ensured if you only brush the teeth area. Use the brush to clean the tongue, gums, and cavity. Some brushes with back-brush design can help you clean these areas easily in order to eliminate bacteria completely.

Also, do not forget to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth to remove the last remaining plaque and reduce bad breath. If you do not have mouthwash, use salt water instead since it also has a good antiseptic effect.

The entire standard process of brushing your teeth will take at least 2 to 3 minutes. If you find it difficult to follow strictly, try playing a song to determine the amount of time needed to help clean teeth effectively.

If you find yourself regularly brushing your teeth but still have many dental diseases, you should review the brushing process to see if it is right. Develop a logical brushing routine for comprehensive oral health and improve your confidence when showing a smile with strong and bright teeth.



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