166 Dong Van Cong St, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam (Next to The Vista VERDE Appartment)

Starting from your childhood to early adulthood, your teeth arrive in stages: incisors, canines, premolars and molars, and lastly, wisdom teeth.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as 8th teeth, are the third set of molars that come in last and often just after you’ve entered adulthood. As far as teeth are concerned, wisdom teeth are the most scandalous ones as they don’t have any particular functions yet still cause a whole world of troubles.

While many people can live in peace with wisdom teeth, others suffer pain, infection, and lots of discomforts.

Usually, a person has four wisdom teeth, each of which arrives last in the innermost part of your jaws. However, some people don’t grow wisdom teeth at all. Some people, on the other hand, experience wisdom teeth that only erupt a little bit, or even completely buried under the gums. Wisdom teeth that fail to erupt are considered stuck or compressed teeth.

Since wisdom teeth are often trouble makers and generally aren’t helpful, doctors make speculations about the reason why they even exist.

Wisdom teeth start to grow inside of your jaws when you’re around seven years old. Not before or after childbirth like other teeth. For most parts of human history, our diets used to be quite abrasive.

However, modern diets have changed significantly. Now that the foods are softer, our teeth don’t have to work as much.

As a result, they don’t wear down as fast as they used to, meaning the jaws don’t have enough space for those wisdom teeth. Some evidence suggests that the modern human has a smaller jaw compared to our prehistoric counterpart.

10 things to know about wisdom teeth

Although wisdom teeth are an unavoidable part of most people’s lives, they may sometimes pose serious health risks. Keep in mind the aforementioned points to be prepared if you ever have to get rid of your wisdom teeth.