166 Dong Van Cong St, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam (Next to The Vista VERDE Appartment)

Porcelain crowns give you beautiful teeth; however, many people are still hesitant, wondering what is the reasonable price for permanent porcelain crowns. Many factors must be taken into consideration when it comes to the price of permanent dental crowning, which is why you should do your research carefully to avoid clinics that offer service quality just as low as their prices. Think about all the things that go into the costs of dental crowns to pick the right clinic for you.

Two options for replacing missing teeth

On the market today there are 2 types of permanent false teeth that are most well-known:

Porcelain bridges

cầu răng cố định

This method is suitable for restoring one or more permanent missing teeth. However, the major minus point of the ceramic bridge lies in the adjacent tooth abrasion technique to support the denture to replace the missing tooth.

Not only does the abrasion put your teeth at risk of being weak, but your bridge has no root, so bone resorption and gum recession will still occur over time. Therefore, although effective and durable, porcelain bridges are not the most optimal method of permanent false teeth.

Dental Implant

Implant technique replaces the missing root with a screw has overcome the disadvantage of porcelain bridges. With this method, one or more teeth are reshaped just like real teeth. Despite the high cost, implant effects are undeniable.

How much do porcelain crowns cost?

East Rose Dental Clinic (Old Rose Dental Clinic) is a dental clinic with lots of skilled doctors and modern equipment so it is a suitable place for porcelain crown. You can refer to the price of permanent porcelain crown here as follows:

East Rose Dental Clinic Crown Price List 2020
Service Unit Price (VND)
NI - CR Metal Crown 1 tooth 1 500 000
CO- CR Metal Crown 1 tooth 4 000 000
TITANIUM Metal Crown 1 tooth 3 000 000
Full gold crown 1 tooth 15 000 000 - 20 000 000
Reset Crown/ Inlay 1 unit 300 000
Remove crown/ bridge 1 unit 200 000
Porcelain fused to NI-CR Metal Crown 1 tooth 1 500 000
Porcelain fused to Titanium metal Crown 1 tooth 3 000 000
Porcelain fused to CR-CO Metal Crown 1 tooth 4 000 000
Full Ceramic Zirconia CAD/CAM (No metal) Crown  1 tooth 6 000 000 
Dental Direct - USA / Multi-Layer - Japan 
Full Ceramic Cercon or Zirconium CAD/CAM - Zolid (No metal) crown 1 tooth 7 000 000
Dentsply - Germany / Zolid
Full Ceramic Zirconia CAD/CAM ( no metal) crown: Sagemax Emax Press - Ivoclar - Vivadent 1 tooth 8 000 000
Full Ceramic Zirconia CAD/CAM ( no metal) crown: Lava- Esthetic Plus - 3 M
Full Ceramic Cercon CAD/ CAM White / HT crown (no metal) : Dentsply - Germany

Factors affecting the cost of permanent dental crowns

The cost of permanent dental crowns varies, depending on several factors. You can make an informed guess based on:

1. The expertise of the dentist

Dentists who are highly experienced in dental crowning may help you avoid post-op complications such as loose crowns, pulpitis, or gum inflammation. Therefore, the cost of dental crowns partly has to do with the expertise of the dentist.

It usually costs more to get dental crowns from immensely experienced dentists at reputable clinics compared to getting this service from average dentists at small clinics.

2. Facilities and equipment

Even the greatest dentist can’t offer their best performance without the help of advanced equipment. These tools play a vital part in helping your crowns stay put, look most appropriate and closest to your real teeth. However, the best and most advanced technologies are expensive, which may push up the price of dental crowns.

3. Dental crown materials

Aside from external factors, the quantity and quality of dental crowns also have a say in their cost. The more crowns you get, the more money you pay. In addition, crowns made of precious metals are obviously more expensive than those made of other materials

To get an accurate estimation, you may have a look at some common dental crowns materials:

  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal

These crowns are usually quite affordable and have moderate durability with the frame made of an alloy of different metals and white porcelain covering. One disadvantage of this type of crown is they will gradually lose their original shine, revealing the grey layer of metals.

  • All-porcelain

These dental crowns are the ideal replacement for front teeth as they look extremely natural around real ones. They are beautiful and suitable for those who are allergic to metals. However, all-porcelain crowns still have several disadvantages such as being easy to break with vigorous biting and durability of only 15 years.

  • Titanium porcelain

Titanium porcelain crowns are also a popular choice for cosmetic crowning as they are not too expensive. The inside of the crown is made of titanium alloy and is covered with a porcelain layer. Dentists tend to choose titanium crowns for their advantages, such as a minimal risk of cancer and allergic reactions as well as being easy to attach to the gums. Moreover, titanium crowns have high durability and low sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

However, these also have drawbacks, including being easy to be affected by oxidation, which results in dark gum lines. They also tend to get opaque over time, looking less natural compared to real teeth.

  • Precious metal porcelain

Precious metal porcelain crowns have a frame made of expensive metals such as gold, platinum, and palladium, etc. and porcelain covering. This type of crown will keep the filing and reshaping of the adjacent teeth to a minimum and produce an even enamel color. In addition, they rarely chip, crack, or break.

The only disadvantage of precious metal porcelain crowns is the price. This type of crown requires high production costs as well as extensive expertise of the dentist to bring out the greatest outcomes.

All in all, how much dental crowns cost depends on the quality of the clinic and of the crowns themselves. With thorough research, you will be able to find a dental crown clinic with experienced dentists, advanced equipment, and reasonable prices.



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